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Wildlife Garden

Cone Flower with bee

In a quiet neighborhood tucked into the heart of Collegedale is a garden that is known for far more than just its beauty. Master Gardener Ron McKitrick’s wildlife garden is truly something to behold. Since moving to the Chattanooga area several years ago, Ron has made it his mission to transform his half acre into a haven for wildlife. Originally spotting just two types of birds in his yard, Ron has now counted more than sixty different types as a result of his knowledgeable planting. Ron’s focus on native plants has breathed new life not only into his yard but also into his whole neighborhood. Divided into several different microbiomes, Ron has made sure to provide for all sorts of insects, birds, and other animals while maintaining an extraordinary landscape. With more than 55 butterfly host plants and color for every season, there is beauty everywhere you look. Come see his garden buzz with life as pollinators dash from flower to flower, grateful for the feast Ron has curated for them!