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Celebrating 30 years of education and service, the Master Gardeners of Hamilton County (MGHC) is a non-profit, educational, volunteer organization that plays an important role in the civic life of Chattanooga and the surrounding area. MGHC sponsors annual events which include the Master Your Garden Expo, Spring Garden Tour, Fall Garden Festival, and exhibits at the Hamilton County Fair. Our Hotline is available year round to answer your gardening questions. MGHC offers a variety of classes throughout the year, including our 3rd Saturday and Beginning & Newcomer series. If you love gardening and volunteering the Master Gardener Program may be right for you!

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Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.