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Why are my cherry trees losing their leaves?

The MGHC Hotline has been getting questions about cherry trees losing their leaves early this year. This year’s wet, hot, humid weather ideal for the development of cherry shot hole disease. This is a catch all name for both a fungal and bacterial disease with the same symptoms. The leaves develop small holes, then yellow and fall off the tree. In extreme cases the tree is completely defoliated. Once the leaves are infected there is nothing that can be done. Just be sure to remove any fallen leaves as the disease can over-winter in the debris. For more information see: Cherry Shot Hole Disease and Ornamental Fruit Tree Problems from the Univ. of Maryland Extension.

Our climate is not ideal for cherry trees. They do not like heat and humidity and generally do better in colder climates. See UT Horticultures Small Flowering Trees for Tennessee Landscapes for trees that will thrive in our area.