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Newsletter Archive

Stories from the latest editions:

  • Enjoy Ancient Grains at the Table and in the Garden
    Quinoa in the Field photo by Juan Carlos Torrico. Master Gardener Ann Bartlett tells us how ancient grains became popular in the 21st century. One has to wonder why. What have they got…
  • UT Plant of the month: The Weeping Blue Alaskan Cedar
    Submitted by James Newburn, managing director, UT Gardens, Knoxville The Weeping Blue Alaskan Cedar is a spectacular conifer unbothered by Tennessee heat and humidity.The tree is native to southeastern Alaska to the…
  • A Tale of Two Tubers: Yam vs. Sweet Potato
    Sweet Potatoes in grocery store by Daniel Albany. Few topics sparked more discussion among my old garden club buddies than the age-old conundrum: What is the difference between sweet potatoes and yams?…
  • UT Plant of the Month – Winged Sumac
    Poison? No, Sumac Is the Antidote for Hot Parched Sites. The red berried spears salute the female colonies of sumac, and their deliciously lemony tartness is relished by birds and recorded to…
  • Chattanooga Aims to be a National Park City
    Photo of Chattanooga by Theresa Suttles What is a National Park City? The National Park City Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom, describes a National Park City as a…