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Is This a Murder Hornet?

Now that “murder hornets” are in the news again the MGHC Hotline has been getting questions about possible sightings. As of now the Asian Giant Hornets has not been found outside of Washington state. The photos we are getting are either Cicada Killer Wasps or European hornets. Both are harmless and will only sting if provoked.

For more information see:

Mud Daubers and Cicada Killers from UT and European Hornet from Penn State.

Identifying Asian giant hornets: The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is often confused for the Asian giant hornet. There are three main differences between these hornets:

  1. Size The Asian giant hornet is slightly bigger than the European hornet (photos not to scale, enlarged for detail).
  2. Stripes The Asian giant hornet has regular black-orange stripes along its abdomen; the European hornet has irregular brown-yellow stripes. 
  3. Head The Asian giant hornet has an orange head; the European hornet has a golden yellow head.

Left Asian Hornet           Right European Hornet